TT Talk - Pack it in! We mean it.

Having experienced the consequences of mis-declaration, and poor and incorrect cargo packing throughout its history, the TT Club thoroughly welcomes the international attention towards improving practice through the supply chain.

It is perhaps inevitable that the international transport and logistics industry's leading provider of insurance will tend to concentrate on the ills that are seen. However, the TT Club is not alone in being concerned about the impact of cargo throughout the supply chain. While some cargo is inherently dangerous, all has the propensity to present danger if it is mis-declared or the packing and securing is deficient. Alerts are constantly emerging about innovative names for cargoes and improper packing, frequently accompanying yet another casualty report.

Following the launch of the

CTUpack e-learningTM

course in January 2014, the Club is delighted to promote another initiative in collaboration with ICHCA International, under the slogan 'Pack it in!' for which TT Club Members will have discounted access.

Announcing CTU Packing Roadshow

ICHCA, the NGO association for the global cargo handling industry, will host the 1st ICHCA CTU Packing Roadshow at Harwich International Cruise Terminal on 3 June 2014. The one-day event will provide practical education on the new IMO/ILO/UNECE Code of Practice for the Packing of Cargo Transport Units (the CTU Code), which is due to be approved and released later this year.

Developed jointly by the International Maritime Organization, International Labour Organization and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the new Code of Practice will be far more comprehensive than the original 1997 packing guidelines from the three influential organisations. Applicable to all types of cargo moving in containers, trailers, swap bodies and railcars, the Code will provide parties along the supply chain with information about their responsibilities, including details of how to pack and secure packages and cargo items. It also clarifies the existing responsibility on the shipper to declare correctly the composition of the cargo, as well as the gross mass of the packed CTU.

The TT Club has repeatedly publicised its findings that poor and incorrect packing of transport units contributes to some 65% of cargo loss and damage claims arising from incidents along the transport chain, and additionally causes injuries and fatalities, and damage to other property. The new Code is designed to address these foundational issues, with in-depth guidance and information for all players in the logistics chain - from shippers, cargo packers, forwarders and logistics companies through to road, rail and sea carriers, ports and terminals, depots, insurers and other cargo handling interests.

"Poor and incorrect packing of transport units contributes to some 65% of cargo loss and damage claims and additionally causes injuries and fatalities"

A part of ICHCA's "Pack It In!" campaign to promote safe packing of CTUs, the Packing Roadshow has been launched to provide practical education and advice on the contents of the new Code, its impact, and how the new guidelines can be adopted into supply chain operations. The Harwich edition will include talks by an expert panel of speakers and professionals from across the cargo chain, including Bill Brassington, of ETS Consulting and consultant editor of the new Code, Don Armour, Policy Advisor at the Freight Transport Association, Peregrine Storrs-Fox, the TT Club's Risk Management Director, Ken Burgess, Director of Exis Technologies Ltd, and David Parrin, Senior CKC Advisor to Cordstrap BV.

Brainstorming workgroups during the day will also address key questions around disseminating the Code, as well as training and educating packers. All Roadshow attendees will also receive a free copy of the CTUpack e-learningTM course from EXIS Technologies, developed in partnership with the TT Club.

For the full programme and list of participating speakers, plus online booking,

click here

We hope that you have found the above interesting. If you would like further information, or have any comments, please email us, or take this opportunity to forward to any colleagues who you may feel would be interested.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Peregrine Storrs-Fox

Risk Management Director, TT Club

Staff Author

TT Club
