TT Club warns about the significant risks associated with the use of e-bikes and e-scooters in facilities not designed to accommodate them
TT Talk - Slips, trips and falls
Slips, trips and falls continue to be the most common safety-related incidents faced by businesses operating in the supply chain
When a ship allides with port infrastructure, causing damage to the berth itself or equipment located on it, it is important that the port takes prompt steps to protect their interests
Industry leaders discuss the benefits of safety innovation and challenges of adoption in the global supply chain
Saving energy with eco-driving
The implementation of Rombit's DriveDigital Driver Coach in the logistics sector has yielded instant results, by promoting "eco-driving" in warehouses. This innovative solution not only enhances safety but also significantly reduces energy consumption, making it a win-win for logistics companies.
TT Talk - transport of plastic pellets
Focus in maritime transport has been turned towards the safe transport of microplastic pellets following well-publicised incidents.
Death in confined spaces – a hidden danger
International freight transport insurer TT Club is seeking to draw attention to the life-threatening hazards caused by enclosed and confined spaces prevalent throughout the global supply chain
TT Talk - Death in spaces
This month we outline the steps that could be taken to protect workers from the dangers of enclosed spaces.
TT Talk - Fatigue can kill
Fatigue impacts not just the individual concerned, but co-workers and potentially the general public.
Managing the safety of all third- party personnel who might not be familiar with your facility should be a high priority and can present additional challenges.
Good housekeeping extends beyond simple cleanliness, this article discusses how good housekeeping controls, reduces or eliminates workplace hazards.