Loss Prevention a year in focus 2024
TT Club takes a look back over the full 12 months of 2024 at some of the key topics that TT has covered, the key events attended and the initiatives launched, all in the name of promoting safety, security and sustainability throughout the global supply chain.
Loss Prevention a year in focus 2023
This “Year in focus” brochure takes a look back over the full 12 months of 2023 at some of the key topics that TT has covered, the key events attended and the initiatives launched, all in the name of promoting safety, security and sustainability throughout the global supply chain.
Poster - Pest control in warehousing
When pests infiltrate the supply chain, there can be serious consequences for producers,
shippers, vendors and consumers.
TT brief: pest control - in warehousing
A short, two-page summary on the prevention of pest related losses
The Group publish updates to their container safety guidance to ensure increased integrity in the global supply chain
TT Club believes all involved in intermodal cargo movements need to be aware of their responsibilities to tighten biosecurity.
Various sources of potential pest contamination exist throughout the global freight supply chain. Both national legislatures and multinational regulators are keen to minimise potentially devastating consequences to agriculture and the natural environment that unwanted invasive pests can deliver. All those involved in the movement of cargo internationally must heighten their awareness and tighten biosecurity measures.
Invasive pests - unit and cargo cleanliness
Advice for maintaining control How to completely remove invasive pests from the prior load that might be contaminated.
Loss Prevention a year in focus 2021
At the start of 2021, there was great optimism following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic through 2020. Countries grappling with its challenges took varying measures to control the spread of the virus and in doing so continued to unbalance trade flows, volumes and equipment availability. The development of several vaccines were welcome news and industry attention quickly switched to how to deliver such an invaluable cargo to every corner of the globe.
Invasive pests - transit conditions
Ensuring containers are clean prior to loading is a crucial step in preventing the spread of invasive species
Mud and vegetation harbour invasive pests, so it's important to ensure containers are clean prior to use.