In a world engaged in moving cargoes from one place to another, it is easy to spend time focused on what is being moved and the risks involved in transit. Inevitably, there will be multiple places where the goods will ‘rest’, either as an interface between different modes of transport or for other trade needs.
This page looks at the risks of storing cargo from dangerous goods to theft, to weather risks, to abandonment of cargo. We will be releasing a new series of TT brief documents that will look at warehouse safety, security, flooding risk and fire risk.
Safety Guidance for Dangerous Goods Storage and Handling Facilities produced by ICHCA International, IVODGA, National Cargo Bureau and World Shipping Council.
Read more to find out the importance of safety culture in the transport and logistics industry and the steps needed to mitigate risk, reduce accidents, empower your workforce and improve efficiency
Warehouse fires are devastating when they occur - which is far too frequently. The primary causes of fires include electrical failures or malfunction, hot works, maintenance related issues and poor enforcement of no smoking policies. Many incidents can be avoided entirely by periodic risk assessments, effective maintenance and training, enforcement of policy and good housekeeping.
This “Year in focus” brochure takes a look back over the last 12 months at some of the key topics TT has covered, the events that TT has hosted and participated in and highlights key relations maintained, the initiatives delivered and broader achievements.